Senior Golden Sneakers - December 2010

Hi Everyone,

I noticed it was almost midnite here on the West Coast and no new thread, so I went ahead and started December.

Welcome to all the group and any newbies that would like to tag along. We are all pretty much over 50, and some of us are farther away from it than others, but we are a fun supportive group.

BTW, Marie, regarding your coffee creamer dilemma. Ask your dietician if you could use the unsweetened version of vanilla flavored almond milk. It is available in the dairy case at Walmart, as well as smaller containers in the same place they keep the unrefrigerated soy milk. I know almond milk is lower in sugar than skim milk, and I know Barbiecat swears by it.



  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hello everyone. Have been using this site since early September but have not come across this thread before. I'm 62, a widow and I live in the UK. I have lost just over 12lbs since September and find MFP really helps because I can keep track of my calorie intake and the amount of exercise I am taking, as well as having lots of supportive messages from other uses of the threads.

    Best wishes to my fellow Senior Golden Sneakers.

    Pam :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbs for starting our new thread for Dec can't believe Dec is here already. Got to get busy and get me gift card for the family ready.
    We are off to the store today to get our grocery shopping done.

    Oldbat--- That you are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to our group. Be sure you post you bithdate Month and date so we can get you on our birthday lidt So glad you found us Hope ypu enjpy your journing with us.
    My name is Marie and I am almost the oldest here Buzz came along and beat me But she gets around a lot better than I do. A real sweetheart too.
    We really try to help one and another.

    Barbs thanks for the tip but it dosn't Help my coffee I like the richness of coffee creamer I am using coconut milk now. I will be making Barbie squash soup today. I have one pkg of frozen winter suash and will pick up another one this mornring . But need to get onlineget her recipe I think I will buy a big jar of apple sauce to put in it

    Hello to all the rest of you
    Have a good day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member

    Thank you Barb for starting the December Forum, it did slip my mind as I do have so much going on lately. I will be back later with a longer post. I have a doctor's appointment to re -check my Piriformis Syndrome, which is better with the medicine but the medicine is making me gain weight which I don't like. :angry:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Marie, many thanks for the warm welcome. My birthday is 12 July. Pam
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Wednesday, bingo night!!!

    I went to the doctor and she is sending me for back therapy to strengthen my back. She refilled two of my prescriptions but I am going to not take them for a few days to see if my back feels better on its own. I gained 7 pounds because of the prednisone and I am not happy. I asked when I could exercise again and she said do what you can according to how much pain I get. I have been watching my calories, drinking tons of water and no wine and I gained weight. I am soooooo frustrated. I really hope this is temporary with the medicine because I was so happy with losing what I did.

    Enough complaining. Welcome Pam!!! I have added you to the birthday list which can be found on the community pages.
    You are with a great group of people who really,really support each other whether for weight issues, diet issues or even some personal issues. I hope you keep coming back and let us get to know you.

    Trying to put up some inside decorations before bingo, have a good day!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Oh! Sandy I fully understand about the prednisone. That is why I am on mfp because i had to take really strong steroids a year ago. I am glad you were only on it a week. I gained 12 pounds in one week and was too sick to eat. They are wonderful but bittersweet!:ohwell:
    I hope the physcial therapy helps you. It really has me. I am starting back again this week.

    Connie: thinking of you.
    Welcome Pam!

    Thank you, ladies for this site!!! and Marie for inviting me here.:flowerforyou:

    have a good day all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Wednesday, bingo night!!!

    I went to the doctor and she is sending me for back therapy to strengthen my back. She refilled two of my prescriptions but I am going to not take them for a few days to see if my back feels better on its own. I gained 7 pounds because of the prednisone and I am not happy. I asked when I could exercise again and she said do what you can according to how much pain I get. I have been watching my calories, drinking tons of water and no wine and I gained weight. I am soooooo frustrated. I really hope this is temporary with the medicine because I was so happy with losing what I did.

    Enough complaining. Welcome Pam!!! I have added you to the birthday list which can be found on the community pages.
    You are with a great group of people who really,really support each other whether for weight issues, diet issues or even some personal issues. I hope you keep coming back and let us get to know you.

    Trying to put up some inside decorations before bingo, have a good day!!

    Sandy I see that Daisy has a playmate How cute. All this pain medications is really rought on our bodies. I have been taken hhem for all these falls I have been having. I just got an email about these diet drinks with aspartane and it said how we are posin our bodies with the, stuff. Will be clearing my pantry out and if it has aspartane out it goes. I am glad I have decided to get off of all that stuff. I bought me a big jug of unsweeten tea today to drink. Maybe that is why my balance is off so much and been falling too much.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy December to you all. I love the Christmas season (but not the shopping so much). I have to get some lists together today so I can get a start next week. We have a puzzle on the go here and Dave just came in from outside and asked if I had finished it yet. I guess I should get at that. We will need the dining room table for dinner this weekend (Dave's birthday). We want to be able to show them that we did it!! It really is a tough one.Tomorrow I go for my physical (ugh) and I know he will be asking about the weight that I have gained this year. It is too easy to blame it on stress but that is my story and I am sticking to it!

    Connie -- thinking about you.

    Marie -- I will be interested to hear what Alice says about the new WW program. I have to decided to go back but am hoping there will be a lifetime member discount announced soon. I know I should go right now but the plan is to wait until January. Until then I will try to behave myself. Enjoy your soup, sounds yummy.

    Sandy -- So sorry for the wieght gain but glad it helped with the pain. Darn drugs!! Go slow with the exercise.

    Pam -- Welcome here. Can't wait to get to know you.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Welcome Pam. I've been to your country and spent some lovely days and weeks in the south, Cornwall, Devon, Hants, Dorset and Devon.

    Visited the hospital this morning and my hubby was sitting in a chair. He'd been on a short walk and I helped him with some broth, Jello and apple sauce. He's lost a day - thought it was Tuesday. They said when he woke up last night he saw the clock and it said 7:00 and he asked why he hadn't been taken to the operating room yet.

    My daughter visited him again this afternoon before she headed back home. She said he'd had roast beef for lunch, taken two more walks and was napping. The anesthesiologist that was in his ICU room yesterday morning told her her father was a very lucky man as he flat lined twice. The nurses are calling him a "tough, old bird" as he is refusing any pain medication. I will go back into town later this afternoon to run some errands for him and spend an hour visiting. I don't like driving at night so will try to get home before it gets too dark.

    Can't quite figure out my mood. I should be over the moon but am feeling low. Slept about ten hours last night but am still hang-dog tired today.:frown:
  • viliberty1957
    Welcome, Pam. You'll like it here. God Bless!:smile::smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not seen anyone set their goals for this month.

    Mine is to realyl sssssssstick with this unprocessed diet And leave off all chemocal made sweets. Sholud have follow Barbie years ago.patatoes, white flour. sugar.

    What is your goal for thi month?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :bigsmile: just stopping by to say hello before taking the dogs to run around at the dog park.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone, my daughter found this thread and posted a comment "mom I found a thread for you, its people over 50" I called her to tell her that was great but I didn't know what a thread was or how to get there. So, she talked me through it and I read everything that everyone wrote. What a nice group of ladies! I would love to join your group. My name is JoAn, my birth date is 1/24/47 (age 63). I've been married to my husband 9 1/2 years, retired, have 9 grandchildren from my 4 children and my husband has 8 grandchildren with 2 more coming in early spring from his 4 children. My daughter talked me into joing MFP and I am so glad she did. I am finally losing weight and feeling better than I have in quite some time. Looking forward to following others, more in my age group, on their journey to getting better health! :flowerforyou: God Bless.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome JoAn , Never seen it spell like that before. Cute way. So glad you come to join us. Glad your daughter seen us to tell you. about us. We are a group of some mighty nice ladies and Gents We are also Animals lovers I have a Jack Russell name Sammy. and a little bit spoiled. hope to get to know you better. We are just one big happy family here.
    Be seeing you. Marie
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Wednesday everyone!!!

    Welcome Pam, you're doing great 12 pounds lost since September that is fantastic. This group will keep you on track and will help in so many way. Is like a big family when I don't get to post or read what everyone has been up to, I miss it so, everyone is very special, you're going to love being part of this group.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Marie - How did the Squash Soup turn out, sounds so good. Keep drinking water is the best thing for you instead of the sweeteners, they're like the worst thing for your body.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Sandy -- don't give up I know you're frostrated - I this will be temporary, just take care of yourself:cry::cry: Good luck at Bingo tonight.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Connie - hope everyday your hubby is getting better and things are going according to plan. Take care of yourself and make sure you're resting. Our prayers are with both of you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    JoAn Welcome, sound like you have a great daughter, back in April my daugther got me to join the MFP family:love::love: the best thing ever happen to me, she show me how to get friends and one of the ladies (Gayla) after we became friends she told me about this Fantastic Group:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: has been great. I have 3 daughters all over the USA , we get to travel a lot to see them. We're planning to retire this December, we can't wait. I have been married for 43 years and seems like it was yesterday:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: We have 3 grandchildren and they're precious to us. Hope to get to know
    you better.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla - Hope things are good with Neil, take care and don't work to hard decorating.

    Hope everyone has a great evening and have fun.

  • jeffrey71
    Hi Everyone!

    I have been released from the knee surgeon! Ok to do what I can do without excess pain. I am good to run! But, no marathons! I have an appointment with a surgeon coming up to assess my abdominal tear. I will keep you posted. It is snowing here today and the roads are slick and the ground covered. Yuck!

    Welcome to all the new folks! I am glad to see you all here!

    I have entered a couple of triathlons for this summer! LOL

  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I am looking forward to getting to know everybody too. I also have a pet, he's my walking buddy, Kirby is a dachsund, terrior, miniature pincher mix and he's my shadow. He is 12 years young and when I married my husband we became fast friends, in fact just between you and me I'm sure he likes me best!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Jeffrey Just in time so you can shovel the snow I remember how well you like that job.

    Hi Kirby What a nice name. I bet you do like walking. My Sammy does too.

    Gigi The soup was delioious. I made plenty so want have to cook for a few days. Thanks Barbiecat for the recipe

    Buzz did you ever make that mushrooms soup? I have gone soup Mad.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Again,

    Congratulations Jeffrey so happy for you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    JoAn - when I went to see your page I notice that you're in Elkhart, IN I used to work in Elkhart at Bock Industries back when I
    was young in the Accounting Dept. My husband Mike is from South Bend Indiana, we visit his brothers all the time, is only 3 hours from Morton, IL, we were there in September. We lived there for 7 years before Mike got transfer to Illinois. Just wanted you to know, I like your home town. Welcome again:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good night everyone:love::love: :love:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome newbies.

    Marie, I also like the richness of coffee creamer, so what I do is mix the unsweetened vanilla almond milk about 50/50 with non-fat half and half (Land O' Lakes brand is available at the Walmart in my area.)

    Connie, Glad to hear it sounds like your hubby is recovering well.

    Marie, you asked about goals. Mine is to get through December maintaining within 5 lbs. of my lowest weight. In January, I will start in again and try to get another 25 lbs. off by April of next year.

    So long for now.
